Fluid Edge Themes

Jaicy Joseph

RA Scheme Manager & RA Programme Coordinator

email: jaicy@indocert.org
phone: 04842922420

Jaicy Joseph is INDOCERT’s Scheme Manager for Rainforest Alliance (RA), reporting to Executive Director. Jaicy serves on the company’s executive team and oversees all matters regarding development, implementation and maintenance of the RA certification. She is successful with excellent time management skills and shown exemplary efficiency in handling fast-paced, hectic situations of work environment. Jaicy completes organizational and management tasks that support the efforts of a variety of programmes under RAC.

Prior to INDOCERT she worked as farm supervisor in an organic farm at Soukya Holistic Health Centre

Jaicy joined INDOCERT in 2013 as ICO, Jaicy earned MSc in Horticulture (Post Harvest Technology) and BSc in Agriculture and Technology




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